Thursday, February 1, 2007

Human-powered transatlantic crossing—with a Recon for navigation

No one in history has traveled further in 24 hours under his own power than Greg Kolodziejzyk. In July 2006, Greg pedaled his human-powered vehicle more than 650 miles in just 24 hours, setting a new world record.

And no one has ever pedaled a human powered boat across the Atlantic Ocean—solo and unsupported. But Greg will—and his only companion will be the Recon.

As Greg explains in his own blog (
“Crossing the ocean in a 24-inch-wide pedal boat is serious business. I can’t afford to take chances with my equipment. That’s why I selected Trimble’s ultra-tough Recon PDA as my primary navigation and communications device.”

Besides running GPS navigation software, Greg will also use the Recon and a satellite phone to send us updates, as well as upload photos and videos along the way.